Our History ( Soy Afric Limited )


- 1994 -

Soy Afric opened its doors for production in 1994.

Founded by Mr. Cornelius Muthuri, the company was to meet the needs of NGO agencies such as WFP, UNICEF, and MSF who had a demand for local suppliers of relief food. With an installed capacity of 11Mt per day the company supplied Unimix to relief agencies based in Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethiopia.

- 1996 -

Between 1996 and 2000 it expanded its capacity to 22MT a day and then 33MT per day.

This allowed the company to roll out Soybean based products used as ingredients for the human and animal food market. These products serve as additives to bread manufacturers, baby food manufacturers, cake and confectionary industry, and animal feeds industry.

The company expanded its capacity to 33MT a day

- 2013 - 

In order to provide Soy Afric with access to global funding and networks, the Company’s founders agreed to the sale of an equity stake of the Company to Soyken Limited, an investment consortium whose principals are indigenous and have significant commodities trading and private equity experience.

The original founders of Soy Afric still maintain a majority ownership in the business.

- 2014 -

After consistent growth over the years, and the ever increasing demand for quality Unimix suppliers, Soy Afric commissioned a state of the art, automated plant to manufacture Unimix and other fortified blended cereal flours. This plant brings Soy Afric's installed capacity to 80MT per day.

Soy Afric commissioned a state of the art, automated plant.

- The Future -

Soy Afric expects to accelerate the current year on year growth in revenues, we plan to accelerate the current year on year growth in revenue and cash-flow via increased development and delivery of high quality Human and Animal Soya based products to clients across Kenya. This focused strategy has established the foundation for the Company’s expansion in the East and Central Africa region.







Need Help?

Speak to a member of our team

Do you have a query? Cannot find a product or need a partnership, or seeking distribution opportunities?You can make an enquiry online from the contact form and one of our team members will be in touch.

Alternatively, you can call us at +254 720 123 407,+254-738 460 102 or email us via info(at)soyafric.co.ke, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:45 pm.





Our Partners

We are ISO Certified (ISO 22000:2018) and an appointed supplier of nutritionally enhanced foods to relief agencies in Kenya, Somalia, DRC, Ethiopia & Sudan.



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