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Mathare Flood Victims Food Distribution

-Soy Afric donated Super cereal fortified flour (Unimix) to Team Pankaj foundation for distribution towards flood victims in Mathare. Team Pankaj Foundation is a community-based organisation that distributes donations and food hampers to vulnerable families in Kenya.

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Do you have a query? Cannot find a product or need a partnership, or seeking distribution opportunities?You can make an enquiry online from the contact form and one of our team members will be in touch.

Alternatively, you can call us at +254 720 123 407,+254-738 460 102 or email us via info(at), Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:45 pm.





Our Partners

We are ISO Certified (ISO 22000:2018) and an appointed supplier of nutritionally enhanced foods to relief agencies in Kenya, Somalia, DRC, Ethiopia & Sudan.